Sunday, October 11, 2009

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

I was wondering what to put in my first blog. I haven't mastered facebook and I’m tackling something else. But the Carolina Panthers have on pink shoes. How cool is that? My husband and I made our contribution earlier in the month and I decided to make my first blog about something that’s really important.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and we need to take the time to make a difference. It doesn’t take but just a little bit from everybody. No. I don’t have and never have had breast cancer, but my mother-in-law at age 70, my aunt at age 55, and a friend at age 46 all had breast cancer and I’m happy to say that they’re all cancer free. As you can see, breast cancer doesn’t discriminate against age and it doesn’t discriminate against gender. My uncle had breast cancer. I’d say it’s an equal opportunity disease.

We all know somebody who has or has had breast cancer and if you personally don’t you’re just not old enough yet.

So if you feel it in your heart to make a small donation, you can do so at or or or

It only takes a second. I swear.

Friday, October 9, 2009


Welcome. This site is under construction. Eventually I'll figure out what I'm doing.